Westlake Governance Limited is excited to announce our partnership with Australian firm Peakstone Global Pty Limited. Together we can provide even more comprehensive governance, risk and compliance solutions to our customers.

Welcome to my blog on Chairing the Board

Ditch the Audit & Risk Committee? That’s governance heresy, surely?Bear with me for a moment:The ‘ARC’ or ‘FARC’ (Finance, Audit & Risk Committee) is often seen as vital for best practice governance. Surely it shows that directors are prioritising protectio...
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Almost every week another building, usually in Wellington, is evacuated because it’s deemed ‘Earthquake Prone’ and either covered in plastic sheeting or left to rot, while the hapless owners consider how they’ll afford the repairs and strengthening that the engineers...
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Nobody’s born a director. We don’t grow into being a governor, the way we do with walking, talking, parenting and even, to some degree, making a success of a job. All of these are essentially skills we learn as individuals.Becoming an effective director requires a range ...
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Do you recognise this board? Directors arrive shortly before the scheduled start; you take your places, open your board packs and work your way through the agenda, item by item; as the chair closes the meeting, you shut your pack, gather your iPad and phone, and head to the ...
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Has Air New Zealand’s market strategy changed – or is it simply now more obvious?I’ll start by saying that I have been a relatively frequent, usually satisfied, flyer with Air New Zealand for a long time (my Frequent Flyer number has five digits and I’ve accumulated ...
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Photo: RNZ / Katie Todd...
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The latest edition of the Australian Company Director magazine quotes a senior board chair describing how the role has evolved in recent years:‘Where once the rule of thumb was that the chair did three times the work of a non-executive director (NED), they now do four time...
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I’d guess that most of us have held more board meetings virtually than in person over the last 18 months. Remote meetings, still a rarity two years ago, are business as usual and here to stay.We’re learning how to make the most of them: To interpret non-verbal signa...
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Over that inspiring fortnight of distraction, the Tokyo Olympics, two new verbs have joined the mainstream, as in ‘I can’t believe we’ve medalled... we were only aiming to podium at the next Games.’  As those verbs have entrenched themselves in th...
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How often do we hear boards discussing the type of skills they’d like to attract … ‘Wouldn’t it be great if we had an engineer/micro-biologist/blockchain expert on the board?’I’m fully in favour of making sure our boards have people with the right skills and...
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